About Us

Founded by William Osler in 1907 to advance medicine “in a manner that promotes friendship amongst Physicians”.

Today we are the home of Interdisciplinary Translational Medicine, inviting collaboration and debate and joining together Physicians at the cutting edge of research.

Sir William Osler

The Association of Physicians of Great Britain and Ireland (AoP) was founded by William Osler in 1907 to advance medicine “in a manner that promotes friendship amongst Physicians”. Over the years it has evolved into the premier learned society representing translational clinical research. It has recently further strengthened its base by opening membership to the wider medical community and by reaching out to Emerging Clinical Researchers (ECRs) in the United Kingdom, Ireland and beyond.

The Association invites scholarship around a shared vision of the value of interdisciplinary collaboration, reaching new audiences, seeking out and promoting new ways of working and encouraging translational research leading to the advancement of internal medicine and direct benefits for patients.

The Association of Physicians Annual Meeting (APAM) is the leading UK meeting for interdisciplinary translation medicine. Recent speakers at the Meeting include:

Our History


The Association of Physicians of Great Britain and Ireland was founded in 1907 by a group of London-based consultant physicians, many of whom held teaching hospital posts.

With the exception of small gaps during the First and Second World Wars, the Association has met annually at venues throughout Great Britain and Ireland, acting to promote the association’s aims which are to “advance internal medicine” in a manner that “promotes friendship amongst Physicians”.

Meetings are characterised by presentations of the highest quality, and represent many of the best achievements of academic medicine throughout Britain and Ireland.

In 2007, The Association supported M West, of Cardiff School of History and Archaeology, Cardiff University to document its heritage “One Hundred Years of the AoP

Professor Sir Adrian Hill

Director and Founder of the Jenner Institute and Mittal Professor of Vaccinology at Oxford University

Professor Mary M Reilly

Professor of Clinical Neurology and Consultant Neurologist, University College London

Professor Sharon Peacock

Professor of Public Health and Microbiology, University of Cambridge

Sir Patrick Vallance

Chair of the Natural History Museum, and former Government Chief Scientific Adviser (GCSA) and National Technology Adviser (NTA)

Professor Sir Peter Ratcliffe

Nobel Prize for Medicine 2019
Director, Target Discovery Institute, University of Oxford and Director of Clinical Research, The Francis Crick Institute, London

Professor Martin Landray
Deputy Director of Big Data Institute, Li Ka Shing Centre for Health Information and Discovery, University of Oxford

Dr Rino Rappuoli
Chief Scientist and Head External R&D, GSK Vaccines Honorary Professor of Vaccinology, Imperial College, London

Professor Ellie Barnes
Professor of Hepatology and Experimental Medicine, Nuffield Department of Medicine, Oxford University

Professor Dame Sally Davies
Past Chief Medical Officer for England and Chief Medical Advisor to the UK Government

Professor Chris Whitty
Chief Medical Officer for England and Chief Medical Advisor to the UK Government and Past Chief Scientific Adviser for the Department of Health

Professor John O’Keefe

Nobel Laureate in Physiology or Medicine 2014 Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience in the Department of Cell & Development Biology,Division of Biosciences, UCL

Professor Caroline Dive
CBE Deputy Director & CEP Group Leader, Cancer Research UK Manchester Institute

Professor Sir Doug Turnbull
Professor of Neurology, University of Newcastle upon Tyne and Director of Wellcome Trust Centre for Mitochondrial Research

Sir Andrew Dillon
Chief Executive of NICE

APAM has also hosted joint symposia with the Academy of Medical Sciences.

The AoP supports ECRs and warmly welcomes them to attend the ECR workshop held at its annual meeting and to submit abstracts and participate in the full scientific programme.

Our grants programme offers a range of funding opportunities.

Our fellows comprise over 400 leading clinician academics and researchers. Fellowship is by nomination and distinguishes peer review only, please contact the Secretary for more information.

Join the AoPGBI

Find out more about our memberships benefits and how to become a member.
The Association of Physicians of Great Britain and Ireland
Association Services Ltd, 33 St James’s Square London SW1Y 4JS