Membership of the Association of Physicians of Great Britain & Ireland is open to all: clinicians, Emerging Clinical Researchers (ECRs); industry affiliates and fellows.
Ordinary Membership
Members are key players in our flagship annual meeting, taking advantage of discounted fees, a subscription to QJM and active collaborative inter-disciplinary debate and research. Membership is open to all clinicians, new consultants (up to 5 years post CCT), discovery scientists (non-clinical) and industry affiliates.
- Reduced registration rate for annual meeting
- Access to the Association’s grants and awards
- New consultants up to 5 years post CCT can apply for an AoP Young Investigator Award up to £20,000
- AoP contributes to the AMS Starter Grants for Clinical Lecturers up to £30,000
- On-line journal access
- Full voting privileges
- Eligible for election to office as: Executive Committee Member
- Networking access to other members
PRICING £125 per annum
Emerging Clinical Researchers Membership
Membership is open to all Emerging Clinical Researchers who do not yet hold a senior research fellowship, Professorial or equivalent academic position. Members enjoy access to grants, ECR workshops and networking with fellows.
- Access to the Association’s grants and awards
- AoP provides support and mentoring for their ECR members to apply for these grants and to successfully conduct their research projects
- On-line journal access
- Full voting privileges
- Travel bursaries to support ECR presenter attendance at the annual meeting (abstract submission required)
- Eligible for election to office as:
- Executive Committee Member
- Emerging Clinical Researchers members networking group
PRICING £75 per annum
Fellows Membership
Fellows are our most senior members and have contributed significantly to the field of interdisciplinary medicine. They work closely with researchers at all career stages, offering insight and support. Application for Fellowship is by self-nomination and distinguished peer review only.
- Reduced registration rate for annual meeting
- Access to the Association’s grants and awards
- On-line journal access
- Full voting privileges
- Eligible for election (Emeritus exempt) to office as: President; Trustee; Executive Committee Member;
- Networking access to other members