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AoPGBI Fellowship Scheme

Fellowship of the Association is a distinct marker of esteem conferred upon selected members with a record of outstanding achievement in the field of interdisciplinary translational research

The Association of Physicians promotes scholarship around a shared vision of the value of interdisciplinary collaboration. It seeks to reach new audiences and to promote new ways of working to encourage translational research, leading to the advancement of internal medicine and direct benefits for patients. Membership of the Association is open to all interested in the translational research effort, with a separate membership category for Emerging Clinical Researchers. Fellowship of the Association is a distinct marker of esteem conferred upon selected members with a record of outstanding achievement in the field of interdisciplinary translational research. This document lays out the roles and responsibilities of Fellows, and the criteria and process used in their election.

Roles of Fellows

Fellows are expected to promote the association, and to further its aims through activities such as:

  • Attending the AoP annual meeting, and encouraging presentation by mentees (poster or oral)
  • Identifying people for election to Fellowship, especially from under-represented communities
  • Mentoring ECRs
  • Taking part in ECR workshops
  • Organising AoP activities in their region, and organising local meetings (e.g. interdisciplinary talks)
  • Promoting AoP in specialist societies, Royal Colleges and other meetings
  • Serving terms on the AoP Executive Committee
  • Identifying new partnering links e.g. with funders, journals and industry

AoP Fellowship Benefits

Fellowship confers several privileges and benefits in addition to those afforded all Professional Members of the Society

  • Entitlement to use the professional designation of AoP Fellow (FAoP), indicating outstanding achievement in the field of interdisciplinary translational research
  • Recognition by the Association in various public fora (e.g. the AoP newsletter, QJM, website, on slide projection of newly accepted Fellows at Annual General Meeting)
  • Reduced registration fee to the Annual Meeting
  • Electronic Access to the monthly edition of the Association’s Journal (QJM)
  • Eligibility for elections to office as President, Trustee and Executive Committee Member
  • Opportunity to serve as Mentor for the next generation of translational clinician scientists

AoP Fellowship Scheme – Process and Criteria

Fellows are selected for their outstanding contribution to the advancement of translational medicine within a clinical science and/or academic medicine background. Fellows have a shared vision of the value of interdisciplinary collaboration, seeking out and promoting new ways of working and encouraging translational research, leading to the advancement of internal medicine and direct benefits to patients.

Fellowship may also be conferred on individuals who have made an outstanding contribution in other ways, e.g.:

  • By contributing to translational research through leadership, inspiration, or work in a senior management capacity
  • By raising public understanding or appreciation of translational research
  • By outstanding contributions to mentoring, training, and education in translational medicine

Nomination/ Election Process

  • An annual election is overseen by the Honorary Secretary.
  • Application is via self-nomination.
  • Applications are shortlisted by the Internal Affairs Committee.
  • Shortlist is reviewed by anonymised external peer review.
  • The shortlist is put to the Fellowship for an electronic vote.
  • The number of Fellows to be elected each year will not normally exceed 10.
  • The elected Fellows will be confirmed at the AGM.

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Election Timetable

JulyProcess opens for applications via self-nomination
SeptemberDeadline for self-nomination
OctoberFirst round review and scoring by Internal Affairs Committee to shortlist candidates and to agree peer review panel.

Anonymised external peer review of the shortlist

December – JanuaryInternal Affairs Committee revise shortlist based on peer review then put forward shortlist to the Fellowship for voting.
FebruaryElection of Fellows by Fellowship.
March / AprilConfirmation of election of new Fellows at AGM.
MayInternal Affairs Committee meet to review election year and rules.


Ordinary Fellowship
2. Eligibility
 2.1 An Ordinary Fellow will normally already be a member of the Association; however external nominations will be considered if they fulfil all the Criteria below: –
 2.2 A candidate for election as an Ordinary Fellow will usually be a resident of the UK or Republic of Ireland;
 2.3 Election as an Ordinary Fellow will be considered for a candidate who is not a UK / Republic of Ireland resident provided that: –
  2.3.1 The Candidate can demonstrate that they have made an outstanding contribution to the advancement of translational medicine within a clinical science and / or academic medicine background;
  2.3.2 The Candidate can demonstrate how they will be able to actively contribute to the life and work of the Association if they are elected;
 2.4 The Honorary Secretary will consider all cases of candidates who are not a UK / Irish resident in the first instance to determine whether these additional criteria are met and will bring any contentious cases to the attention of the Executive Committee.
3. Criteria for Election
 3.1 Election to the fellowship will be restricted to persons who have: –
  3.1.1 Made an outstanding contribution to the advancement of translational research, or have applied existing scientific knowledge in an innovative way to advance human health and welfare;
  3.1.2 Made an outstanding contribution through one or more of the following: –
   (a) Advancement of translational research by leadership or inspiration in a senior management capacity;
   (b) Advancement of translational research by contribution to training, mentorship and education;
   (c) Raising professional or public understanding or appreciation of translational research;
   (d) Other conspicuous service to interdisciplinary translational research.
 3.2 Other factors to be given consideration in the election of all candidates are: –
  3.2.1 The contribution that the candidate may be able to make to the work of the Association; and
  3.2.2 The commitment of the Association to diversity and equality of opportunity in its organisation, practices, and work. The Association will strive to ensure that no individual or group is treated more or less favourably than others on grounds of ethnicity, nationality, age, disability, gender, marital status, national origin, sexual orientation, race, colour, religion or belief.
4. Procedure for nomination of Candidates
 4.1 The election process will be overseen by the Honorary Secretary, who will report to the Executive Committee.
 4.2 Self nominations can be made at any time in the year and will be considered annually in accordance with the timelines set out in the Election Timetable.
 4.3 Self nominations must be made using the Association’s online form (or such system as the Executive Committee may prescribe). Information to be sought will be*:
  4.3.1 10 selected research outputs from the last 10 years, including at least 5 from the past 5 years. # A brief explanation of the importance of 5 of the outputs should be provided. ‘Outputs’ may include primary research publications, patents, research resources or tools, or innovations in clinical practice
  4.3.2 A list of up to 5 contributions to translational research through leadership or senior management; for each role outline specific, relevant achievements
  4.3.3 Contributions to training, mentorship, and education of translational researchers
  4.3.4 Contribution to professional and public understanding or appreciation of translational research
  4.3.5 Other contributions to interdisciplinary translational research
  4.3.6 Evidence of experience and commitment to encouraging diversity and equality of opportunity within the field of translational research.
  4.3.7 A statement of intent of how the applicant will contribute to the Aims of the Association.
  *Not all sections need be completed
  #For those working full time equivalents. Career breaks or less than full time working will be considered in the expected outputs.
 4.4 All nominees will be required to consent to fulfil the role of a Fellow of the AoP and to be included in the publicly accessible online directory of Fellows at Information to be made available will be:
  4.4.1 Current appointment/University/Trust/Board;
  4.4.2 Clinical Specialty;
  4.4.3 Research Interests;
  4.4.4 Internal/External roles – max 3 e.g. F MedSci, BIHS secretary, AoP Executive Committee member.
The Association of Physicians of Great Britain and Ireland
Association Services Ltd, 33 St James’s Square London SW1Y 4JS
The Association of Physicians of Great Britain and Ireland

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